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So do you give them kudos for owning up to the truth now?
U.S. Official: Bush Used WMD Argument For Politics
According to this story, "Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz is downplaying Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction as the reason for the U.S.-led war. Instead, he said officials settled on the weapons issue for what he calls "bureaucratic reasons" —because that was the one reason everyone could agree on."
Well, I sure am glad they straightened THAT out, aren't you? "Hi, we lied, but it was the only reason we could all agree on, so we figured that was all right. And hey, at least we freed all those Iraqis from Saddam, huh?"
JESUS, the BALLS on this administration. And the most contemptible thing is that NONE of this will bother anyone—at least according to the polls. We really are sheep.
Can't wait for the weekend to start and I can go back to ignoring these a-holes for a couple of days.
