Looks like this one’s finally getting some attention…
On June 2nd, the FCC will vote on whether or not to ease restrictions on media ownership across the country. Both the LA Times & New York Times this week have had columns talking about this and what a horrible idea this is.
LA Times Howard Rosenberg: In media, Goliath edging out David
New York Times William Safire: The Great Media Gulp
Now might be a good time to write your Senators and Representative and tell them to get involved in this process and put a stop to it.
On June 2nd, the FCC will vote on whether or not to ease restrictions on media ownership across the country. Both the LA Times & New York Times this week have had columns talking about this and what a horrible idea this is.
LA Times Howard Rosenberg: In media, Goliath edging out David
New York Times William Safire: The Great Media Gulp
Now might be a good time to write your Senators and Representative and tell them to get involved in this process and put a stop to it.