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Can ANYONE explain this 4D thing?
So the latest Theme Park trend seems to be the all new whatever ride in 4D. 4d? What the hell is 4D supposed to be? Some marketing genius apparently decided that if 3D is cool, than 4D must be even cooler! (Let’s forget for the moment the rampant failure that 3D movies are—Ghosts of the Abyss & the new Spy Kids notwithstanding.)
But someone needs to explain to these marketing geniuses (who, no doubt, went to the same school as the brains behind “2 Fast 2 Furious”) that there really is no such thing as 4-freaking-D, at least as far as our puny little 3D minds can comprehend. The closest we get to a 4th dimension (since that IS what the D in 3D and, presumably, 4D stands for) is TIME and frankly, if we’re using time as the 4th dimension, well every freaking 3D movie since House of Wax (or whatever the first one was) has been in 4D!
I know, there are bigger things to be bothered by than whether theme parks are advertising rides in 4D, but still, must we embrace this kind of moronic marketing? I'm just saying...
