How else to explain the apparent obsession with the oh-so-obviously named "Snakes on a Plane" (Or, as IMDB lists it… S.O.A.P. Yeah, that makes it better.)
Samuel Jackson stars. Here's the Plot Outline from IMDB:
This weekend, Dani & Tally got on the subject of Snakes on a Plane t-shirts. When I gave them a quizzical look, they couldn't understand how I couldn't be obsessed with the whole idea of snakes on a plane ('how did they get there?' 'what are they doing there?') nor thrilled that Samuel Jackson was staring in this epic in the making.
I honestly thought I was in some strange alternate reality for a few minutes there, as they kept repeating the name of the film and their questions about the nature of said film, as if, by mere repetition, I would come to see their point of view.
It must be the meme in action, hoping to replicate itself to my mind and thus spread itself further. And who knows… I AM blogging about it… maybe it worked.
Samuel Jackson stars. Here's the Plot Outline from IMDB:
On board a flight over the Pacific Ocean, an assassin, bent on killing a passenger who's a witness in protective custody, let loose a crate full of deadly snakes.I first read about this one in Entertainment Weekly sometime last year, when they waxed rhapsodic about the elegance (or something) of that title. Since then, I've seen numerous articles in EW, in Premiere and god-only-knows where else.
This weekend, Dani & Tally got on the subject of Snakes on a Plane t-shirts. When I gave them a quizzical look, they couldn't understand how I couldn't be obsessed with the whole idea of snakes on a plane ('how did they get there?' 'what are they doing there?') nor thrilled that Samuel Jackson was staring in this epic in the making.
I honestly thought I was in some strange alternate reality for a few minutes there, as they kept repeating the name of the film and their questions about the nature of said film, as if, by mere repetition, I would come to see their point of view.
It must be the meme in action, hoping to replicate itself to my mind and thus spread itself further. And who knows… I AM blogging about it… maybe it worked.
Read this blog. Specifically, the entry "Snakes on a Motherfucking Plane."
And, yes, I own a S.O.A.P. t-shirt.