Entertaining remarks from famous people in the news today…
Annie Proulx was apparently less than impressed and more than a little disappointed that Brokeback didn't get Best Picture:
Blood on the red carpet
Not that I'm jumping to Crash's defense here. I can't really compare their merits at this point, since I haven't seen Brokeback and I saw Crash in the theatre, so it's been a while. But what charmingly condescending invective. (Reminds me a little bit of Anne Rice's infamous full page ad urging Tom Cruise to rethink his choice to play Lestat in Interview with the Vampire.)
Meanwhile, someone at GQ got Michael Douglas off on a rant about other celebs love lives…
Douglas: Brad Left Beautiful Wife To Hold Angelina's Orphans
Sometimes, it's just fun to browse the headlines.
Annie Proulx was apparently less than impressed and more than a little disappointed that Brokeback didn't get Best Picture:
Blood on the red carpet
Roughly 6,000 film industry voters, most in the Los Angeles area, many living cloistered lives behind wrought-iron gates or in deluxe rest-homes, out of touch not only with the shifting larger culture and the yeasty ferment that is America these days, but also out of touch with their own segregated city, decide which films are good. And rumour has it that Lions Gate inundated the academy voters with DVD copies of Trash - excuse me - Crash a few weeks before the ballot deadline. Next year we can look to the awards for controversial themes on the punishment of adulterers with a branding iron in the shape of the letter A, runaway slaves, and the debate over free silver.I love how she even resorts to the petty "ooh, let's call the movie 'Trash' so everyone knows what I think of it" move. She closes her column with:
For those who call this little piece a Sour Grapes Rant, play it as it lays.Play it as it lays??? What the hell does that even mean? (A little Googling brings me this little tidbit: 'The cliché from the language of golf is "play it as it lays." We don't go back to the tee and start the round over. We have to play out of the rough.' SO I guess my question should be "What the hell does this mean in this context?") But yes, Annie, I think it just might qualify as a sour grapes rant.
Not that I'm jumping to Crash's defense here. I can't really compare their merits at this point, since I haven't seen Brokeback and I saw Crash in the theatre, so it's been a while. But what charmingly condescending invective. (Reminds me a little bit of Anne Rice's infamous full page ad urging Tom Cruise to rethink his choice to play Lestat in Interview with the Vampire.)
Meanwhile, someone at GQ got Michael Douglas off on a rant about other celebs love lives…
Douglas: Brad Left Beautiful Wife To Hold Angelina's Orphans
"I don't know about Brad Pitt, leaving that beautiful wife to go hold orphans for Angelina," Douglas said, referring to Pitt's ex-wife, Jennifer Aniston, in an upcoming issue of GQ magazine. "I mean, how long is that going to last?"Not that I'm in the know here, but really, what business is it of his? I'd love to know what they asked him that got him off on that little rant. He goes on to mock Renee Zellweger and Julia Roberts for their relationship choices. Nice job, Mike.
Sometimes, it's just fun to browse the headlines.
Seriously...he sounds like the overly moral grandpa who sits at the end of the Christmas dinner table just spouting out judgement on the human race for all to hear. Was Michael also splattering the interviewer with food fragments?
Lou, you would have loved Al Rantel (love the Hate!) going off on Douglas about his comments. His take, though, was to wonder if Douglas was implying Jolie adopted those kids for her image.
Well, only obviously yes! Geez, some people.
And Douglas' comments are the best. Either he's off the meds or he's on the sauce. Either way, the internal editor was obviously not working that day.