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It's just SO sad…

I was never a big Howard Dean supporter when he was running, but it's kind of sad to hear him now.

This morning I heard an ad with Dean shilling for Yahoo. (You know the ad campaign… it ends with a yodelling "ya-HOO!"). Dean's talking about using Yahoo to keep in touch while he was campaigning (or something like that) and, as he'd say the name of each state he visited, he'd shout it out in this hoarse, kind of manic sounding voice… you KNOW, the voice that lost him any chance at the nomination when he got a little too excited during one of his speeches. The one that ended with him screeching "yeehaw" (or something along those lines) like some escaped mental patient (or rabid sports fan—they're interchangeable sometimes, I think) at the mention of heading to DC.

So now he's playing off that supremely embarrassing (not to mention potentially career destroying) moment to shill for Yahoo (and, of course, make a few bucks). It's almost as sad as Bob Dole shilling for Viagra (though one must acknowledge that Bob's probably getting more out of his Viagra shilling than Dean's getting from his Yahoo ads.)

Addendum (10/18/04)
Actually, it's an ad for Yahoo Local, and Dean talks about using the service to find book stores and college campuses in each of the states he's on for his book tour. The ad's running in rotation with an NYC street performer that goes by the name "Naked Cowboy". He performs in Times Square in cowboy boots, underwear and cowboy hat.

Need I say more?
