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The Thought Police Strike Again…

L.A. Wants to End 'Master' and 'Slave' Equipment

Some idiot working for LA filed a discrimination suit because they found a pair of videotape machines labeled "master" & "slave" so now, the County is renaming all their systems and asking all their vendors to stop using the terms. Never mind that this has been industry standard for years. Never mind that the master & slave designations actually make sense when you're talking about computer & electronic equipment. And never mind that we're NOT TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE HERE (or, for that matter, any other type of sentient being that might get offended by that concept, just in case there's any AI or non-human alien types listening in here. *smirk*).

God, I hate political correctness.

And, since I can't seem to stop posting about this…

It occurs to me that I mispoke yesterday when I posted this:
"…worst case scenario, Jackson IS a pedophile, mom IS simply out for money and revenge AND the DA couldn’t care less as long as he finally gets Jackson behind bars…" because at least here the pedophile does get put behind bars.

No, worst case scenario is actually, all of the above is true, but Jackson beats the rap.
