How the hell did I get stuck with the Democratic Party?
Frankly, I can't stand "political correctness" and the knee-jerk reaction to do everything one can to distance oneself from anything that smacks of controversy. And I've got to wonder at the mindset of political candidates who, during the primary, smack each other around, doing their damndest to get the nomination… and then have to do damage control for the rest of the election to counter their campaigning from the primary!
As I mentioned earlier, when Al Sharpton is the voice of reason in the debates (reminding the other candidates to keep focused on having to beat Bush, instead of beating each other up) we're in serious trouble. And I'm really fed-up with the Democratic Party in its most recent incarnation. From the completely spineless campaign of Al Gore in 2000 to the absolute cluster-fuck that is this year's campaigning, I simply have to shake my head and wonder what the hell they're thinking. (I mean, really, when people are talking about a former Republican General as the "hope of the Democratic Party", you've got to figure the party's got problems.)
So I'm glad to see this guy slapping them around for being morons. If only someone were listening.
Frankly, I can't stand "political correctness" and the knee-jerk reaction to do everything one can to distance oneself from anything that smacks of controversy. And I've got to wonder at the mindset of political candidates who, during the primary, smack each other around, doing their damndest to get the nomination… and then have to do damage control for the rest of the election to counter their campaigning from the primary!
As I mentioned earlier, when Al Sharpton is the voice of reason in the debates (reminding the other candidates to keep focused on having to beat Bush, instead of beating each other up) we're in serious trouble. And I'm really fed-up with the Democratic Party in its most recent incarnation. From the completely spineless campaign of Al Gore in 2000 to the absolute cluster-fuck that is this year's campaigning, I simply have to shake my head and wonder what the hell they're thinking. (I mean, really, when people are talking about a former Republican General as the "hope of the Democratic Party", you've got to figure the party's got problems.)
So I'm glad to see this guy slapping them around for being morons. If only someone were listening.