I'm reading The Picture of Dorian Gray right now. It's been one of those books on my "gotta read this one of these days" lists for years now. Dani's been in this book club for a year or so and the last couple of books have actually been ones I'd consider reading (unlike, say, The Nanny Diaries from a few months ago) so I tagged along for this one. (I also read the DaVinci Code and joined in that discussion… I'm perilously close to becoming a member of the group!)
So there's a scene about a third of the way when Dorian's talking to the wife of one of the main characters (Lord Henry's wife, Victoria). They're discussing the Opera he's seen Lord and Lady Henry at recently (Wagner's Lohengrin) and she remarks, "I like Wagner's music better than anybody's. It is so loud that one can talk the whole time without other people hearing what one says."
She'd be right at home at the local AMC any night of the week. Convinced that no one can hear her talk, all the way through the movie.
So there's a scene about a third of the way when Dorian's talking to the wife of one of the main characters (Lord Henry's wife, Victoria). They're discussing the Opera he's seen Lord and Lady Henry at recently (Wagner's Lohengrin) and she remarks, "I like Wagner's music better than anybody's. It is so loud that one can talk the whole time without other people hearing what one says."
She'd be right at home at the local AMC any night of the week. Convinced that no one can hear her talk, all the way through the movie.