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More Synchronicity?
I mentioned that I’d watched “Once Upon a Time in America” last week. One of the things I wondered while I watched was “what ever happened to Elizabeth McGovern?” I remembered her in Ragtime, and she’s DeNiro’s love interest in “Once, etc”. But aside from that, I couldn’t remember anything else. (Of course, checking that IMDB listing shows she's done A LOT of work… I just haven't been paying attention, apparently.) Saturday, we’re running errands and pass a billboard advertising a new David E. Kelly/CBS series (The Brotherhood of Poland, N.H.,) starring, among others, Elizabeth McGovern.
But, even more interesting, in that whole synchronicity vein (since I can easily accept the McGovern one as coincidence) was as I was browsing last night. Dani’s reading group is doing The DaVinci Code this month and, since this is the first book they’re reading that interests me, I’m tagging along. It’s another of those literary detective novels, filled with secret societies and stuff and reminded me of Foucault's Pendulum, The Club Dumas and The Eight. Foucoult’s is by Umberto Eco (The Name of the Rose) and I’d just read Club Dumas and they were both still fairly fresh in my mind. But I’d read The Eight quite a while ago and couldn’t remember the author or if she’d done anything since. So I looked her up on Amazon. What I found interesting isn’t the book list that came up (listing The Eight and a few other novels with eight in the title). But the lists and recommendations that popped up on either side of the search results were intriguing… lists for Final Fantasy games, books and collections on RPGs, the game Final Fantasy VIII (the obvious tie-in that brought all the rest of the items up, I assume). But, what makes this really interesting (in a synchronous type of way) is that I’d just bought Final Fantasy X that same day. I’ve been thinking about picking it up, and I’d seen it used at EB earlier this week. And, since we were back at the same mall yesterday, I went ahead a picked it up. Only to find Final Fantasy coming up in a book search on Amazon, that had nothing to do with games, Final Fantasy, or anything remotely related. (That same search today turns up nothing related to any Final Fantasy games, by the way.)
That one is just too weird.
