I mean, I was never voting for the recall anyway—I'm annoyed by the whole thing in the first place (and now Issa's out there telling Schwarzenegger and McClintock that one of them needs to drop out of the race or HE'S against the recall. Have I mentioned that he's an asshole recently?)
I skipped the debate last night. I had class, so I've got a reason, but I probably wouldn't have watched it anyway. They all had the questions in advance (presumably the reason Arnold was willing to participate in this one—his "super bowl of debates" notwithstanding) so it was unlikely there'd be any grand revelations… they'd all be firmly "on topic" all the way, so you're not getting any "new" info.
From what I saw on the news last night and have heard on the radio this morning, looks like I dodged a bullet. Bustamante was a patronizing asshole, Arnold's simply an asshole (apparently, this is my word for the day), Huffington's a shrew (but we all knew that) and McClintock's a cipher. Admittedly, I'm getting this from short clips and sound bites, but the sight of Huffington and Arnold snarling and desperately trying to out-talk the other just disgusts me.
I think I'm voting Libertarian. Or maybe Green. It's yet another one of those "anyone but you" votes for me. It just turns out there are more "yous" to vote against this time.
I skipped the debate last night. I had class, so I've got a reason, but I probably wouldn't have watched it anyway. They all had the questions in advance (presumably the reason Arnold was willing to participate in this one—his "super bowl of debates" notwithstanding) so it was unlikely there'd be any grand revelations… they'd all be firmly "on topic" all the way, so you're not getting any "new" info.
From what I saw on the news last night and have heard on the radio this morning, looks like I dodged a bullet. Bustamante was a patronizing asshole, Arnold's simply an asshole (apparently, this is my word for the day), Huffington's a shrew (but we all knew that) and McClintock's a cipher. Admittedly, I'm getting this from short clips and sound bites, but the sight of Huffington and Arnold snarling and desperately trying to out-talk the other just disgusts me.
I think I'm voting Libertarian. Or maybe Green. It's yet another one of those "anyone but you" votes for me. It just turns out there are more "yous" to vote against this time.