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Finally! Something worth seeing this week…

After a month load of crap films like Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star, The Medallion and My Boss's Daughter (not to mention "successful" crap like Jeepers Creepers 2 & Freddy vs. Jason) it's refreshing to see a couple of movies opening that I would actually want to leave the house to see! (And no, I'm not going to link these… you want to torture yourself, Google them on your own time.)

But this week we've got some good stuff (potentially, of course. One could argue that Charlie's Angels looked good from the trailers and we all know what a pointless mess that turned out to be). Between Once Upon a Time in Mexico and Matchstick Men there might actually be a reason to go to the movies! Hey, who knows, maybe the top film this week will make more than $7 million! Whoo hoo! (Of course, Cabin Fever will probably end up taking the weekend, thereby proving that we deserve every crap movie the studio releases, since that's what makes the money for 'em.)

I do have to say that I DID see a good movie this week. The Secret Lives of Dentists was showing at the Laemmle's Monica this week and, when my class got cancelled on Wednesday and I had to hang around till Dani got out of her class, I figured I might as well check it out. Gotta say I was glad I did.

I'd heard about the film a few weeks ago and it stuck with me because I knew Campbell Scott was starring in it. I'd seen him just recently in Roger Dodger and had really enjoyed the film and his work in it, so I was kind of keeping an eye out for his stuff. Then I saw a movie he'd produced (Final)which had Dennis Leary as this guy that wakes up in a mental hospital, raving about cryogenic sleep and final injections (it turns out he's both wrong & right… just not the way he thinks he is. A very interesting little movie).

So I went and saw Secret Lives and not only enjoyed it, but ended up proselytizing people at work, telling them how great the film was and how real, while at the same time filled with all this fantastic stuff going on. Scott & his wife are both dentists and have been married 10 years. He becomes convinced that she's having an affair, though everything we see (from his POV) is inconclusive. After a while, we start to see flashbacks of his fantasy of what's going on—sometimes its good (i.e. she's not having an affair), sometimes not so good. But it's the same kind of mental games you play when you're envisioning something that's happened to you (or going to happen) and you don't know all the pieces. Meanwhile, Dennis Leary plays this really annoying patient of Scott's that shows up later in the film as Scott's inner monologue… he gets to say all the vile, ugly, hurtful, truthful things that run through your head in situations like this, but most of us are too civilized to actually express.

What really struck me about the movie was how real everything seemed, and yet it was filled with these fantastic elements and some very funny moments… a very cool little story told in a very interesting way. Definitely worth checking out.
