So our good old boy "Leader of the Free World", according to the "Washington Whispers" in this week's US News & World Report, loves a "good" fart joke (I parenthesize, since I dispute the notion that there's any such thing as a good fart joke).
Yep, that's our President.
He loves to cuss, gets a jolly when a mountain biker wipes out trying to keep up with him, and now we're learning that the first frat boy loves flatulence jokes. A top insider let that slip when explaining why President Bush is paranoid around women, always worried about his behavior. But he's still a funny, earthy guy who, for example, can't get enough of fart jokes. He's also known to cut a few for laughs, especially when greeting new young aides, but forget about getting people to gas about that.I can just see it… sitting around with the Joint Chiefs, the room's a little tense, so he leans over to Cheney and whispers "Shotgun, pull my finger!"
Yep, that's our President.