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Conform, baby, conform!

I wish I could tune out commercials better. Dani never seems to hear them when we're driving. Me, I can't seem to NOT hear them. More often than not, they're annoying, pointless, or insulting and I swear I can feel myself growing stupider just by listening.

The latest one to annoy my is from The family is staging an intervention to convince Dad that it's time to dump his car… it's just not practical and he needs a "daddy car"… 'cause, god knows, you can't be dad and drive a convertible! MY GOD, how positively un-American! Doesn't he realize he must conform? He needs a car that says "hi, I'm a dad now, and I've put away my childish things!" Never mind that he may like his current car… may prefer his current car… and maybe he doesn't feel the need to have a "daddy car"… nope, we're gotta have an intervention to rescue Dad from himself!

Yeah, I'm reading way too much into a damn website commercial, but come on… give me a break! Talk about creeping conformity. (Actually, these days it's more creepy conformity, but that's another topic entirely.)
