Like Fox News always taking the rabid, pro-Bush, conservative point of view? Then how do you explain their glowing review of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11? I mean, if THEY'VE Got good things to say about it, I'm thinking I may have to see it now and not wait for the DVD!
But don't worry… these morons are more than willing to take on Mike's movie (sight unseen, I'm sure) as the "pro-Al-Queda propaganda" that they're convinced it is. (God, trying to slog through their fervently jingoistic dreck is quite the chore. Almost makes visiting the Fox News site tolerable.)
Kinda makes me want to see it even more, you know?
But don't worry… these morons are more than willing to take on Mike's movie (sight unseen, I'm sure) as the "pro-Al-Queda propaganda" that they're convinced it is. (God, trying to slog through their fervently jingoistic dreck is quite the chore. Almost makes visiting the Fox News site tolerable.)
Kinda makes me want to see it even more, you know?