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If there was any doubt…

…whether The Chronicles of Riddick would get its sequels made, this should answer that question:

"…Universal [Pictures, which is distributing the movie,] has ... been consistent with their wanting to see how this opening weekend [box office] did, and the second weekend, because the second weekend is a key to them to gauge drop off." (from the article "Twohy: Chronicles 2, 3 Planned")

Judging from the fact that it opened at number 2 (admittedly behind Harry Potter), dropped to #6 in its second weekend and entirely out of the top 10 in its third weekend, (not to mention that it's grossed just over $51 million—less than half of it's budget), it seems unlikely that Universal's buying into any sequels any time soon.

It's too bad, too. As clunky as some of the Butcher's Bay stuff was, I really liked the ending and would have liked to see where it was going to go from there. The problem is, I think the "big picture" story was probably a whole lot more interesting than what they actually shot. You know, the cool stuff they were planning on getting to in the next couple of movies… all those epic SF themes tied in with galactic conquest and evil empires and such. Nope, we got a prison break and a rehashing of the same "race against certain death" we got in Pitch Black.

Interesting that the least interesting section of the movie happens to be the one that coincides with the videogame tie-in for the movie. (Also interesting that the videogame is getting fantastic reviews… something the movie's failed to do.) Looks like Riddick may have fallen prey to this summer's developing "big problem"… too close a tie-in to its videogame version.
