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Are these people NUTS?

mobile speed bump n.

The city of Vancouver is exploring the idea of sanctioning a grass-roots traffic-calming program that enlists the silent majority of reasonable, rational, law-abiding drivers to stop being so silent.

Instead they'd slap NEIGHBORHOOD PACE CAR stickers on their vehicles and set a highly visible example by rolling down Vancouver streets at lawful speeds.

Try that in LA and it'd be an invitation to either get run off the road or shot… or both! And I'm not sure I wouldn't be one of the ones running these clowns off the road! (I know I wouldn't be one of the ones shooting, however. Sometime in my first month living in LA, after being cut-off one too many times in one day, I caught myself thinking, "if I had a gun, I'd shoot your ass". It wasn't till several minutes later that I realized: a) I'd actually had that thought run through my head, and b) it didn't seem strange at the time. It occurred to me at that point that I could never have a weapon in my car.)

Mobile speed bump, my ass. Mind your own damn business and stay the hell out of my way!
