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Score one for the Constitution!

Bush Overruled on 'Dirty Bomb' Suspect

First off, let me just say that I don't give a damn about Mr. Padilla and that, if he did do (or was planning) what the government says he was, then as far as I'm concerned he can rot in jail.

Having said that, it is gratifying to see that the Court's not buying the argument that you can negate a citizen's rights (to a fair and speedy trial, to confront your accuser, to representation by an attorney, etc.) by simply declaring him an "enemy combatant". (Don't let the name change fool you… that's basically the same as labeling him an enemy of the state—that old stand-by of totalitarian regimes everywhere. ) Because if they can get away with it for this clown, they can do it to anyone.

That, folks, is a police state. You're not doing anything to "make the world safe for democracy" by turning us into one.
