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I’d claim I’m embracing my liberalism…
But really, I’m just afraid of the ultra-conservatives that seem to be driving Washington these days. So, a couple of things that I think are important right now…
Oppose the Federal Marriage Amendment:
“Anti-gay extremists, stung by the U.S. Supreme Court decision striking down sodomy laws and by Canada's recognition of same-sex marriage, are mobilizing. Their vehicle is the Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA), and Senator Frist, the Senate majority leader, has emerged as their spokesperson. 37 states have adopted "Defense of Marriage" laws in the last seven years, and the federal DOMA passed overwhelmingly, so FMA is very much of a threat.”
Freedom To Read Amendment:
One of the many abuses of our civil rights built into the Patriot Act allows the FBI to conduct secret searches of individuals' library and bookstore records without even suspecting the person of a crime. This amendment to an upcoming funding bill attempts to curtail these unreasonable searches by removing the funding for them.
(Or, you can check out the ACLU article and take action here.)
And, while I’m at it:
Congressman Rangel: "We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it any more"
Our Congress, at work. Any pretense at bipartisan cooperation is really just that. Pretense. We are all in a lot of trouble.
