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And while we're on the subject of annoying politics…
"Already $38 billion in the red, the state is expected to have to finance a $30 million referendum on a governor who was just elected last November." (from NYTimes Backer of California Recall Feels Heat Directed at Him)
Yeah, good choice. Let's waste another $30 million on a pointless recall. What the hell are we having elections for in the first place, if any a-hole with enough money can finance a recall simply because he doesn't like the governor? (I heard Bill Maher on KROQ the other day commenting on this one—"it's like the Republican party is willing to do anything they can to get in office… aside from actually winning an election." I think I like Bill Maher again.)
The only good news in that whole article is that the moron pushing it (Representative Darrell Issa) is virtually unknown by voters in recent polls. Hopefully, we'll all be smart enough to reject this waste of time (and money, though the money's already spent) but even if Davis gets recalled, this clown won't likely end up getting what he apparently wants—the governor's mansion.
We could end up with Governor Schwarzenegger, however. *sigh*
