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And she's STILL confused

Is it too much to ask that the woman running for Vice President understand what the job really entails?

Palin Claims The Vice President Is ‘In Charge Of The U.S. Senate’

Apparently she's mistaken "President of the Senate" as meaning she gets to be the boss. (Or maybe it's a more ominous example of her latent megalomania coming to the fore.)

Whatever the case, I really wish she'd do a little more reading:
The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided.
You know, I've got a little pocket copy of the Constitution I got at a bookstore a while ago. I could send it her way, just in case she hasn't got one. Yeah, that's a donation I could get behind.


Anonymous said…
Q here.

First of all, if you have a pocket copy of the Constitution how did you fail to understand that Biden was wrong with his Article 1 comment? I knew that without looking it up!

Secondly, a wonderful job by the liberal MSM at taking something without explanation and miscommunicating it. This is a quote from Palin trying to explain to a little kid what the VP does!!! You want her to quote Article 2 for the child? I'm sure he'd grasp that. This is another retarded attempt by the MSM to smear her. I'm disgusted by them and disappointed with you.

Here's another great one from last night on CNN:

Griffin: The press has been pretty hard on you, the Democrats have been pretty hard on you, but also some conservatives have been pretty hard on you as well. The National Review had a story saying that, "you know, I can't tell if Sarah Palin is incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt or all of the above."

Palin: Who wrote that?

Palin was obviously taken aback. But, what Griffin failed to tell her was the line preceding the line he questioned her about, "Reading the stories from the press lately". Yes, the article was commenting on the hatchet job that Palin gets from the press and Griffin uses it to actually embarrass her on TV in an interview.

Nice. I guess we can really depend on true and accurate reporting on Republicans in this race.
Anonymous said…
Q here.

Yes, I have comments on many posts below. Get reading!
Cyfiere said…
Regarding your Biden question, I guess I figured getting the Article number incorrect was less of a blunder than misunderstanding the role of the office you're running for. He could have simply misspoke, you know.

I was well aware she was responding to a third grader (and the 'vile' MSM has done a fine job of showing the clip in context… yes, even on Countdown). And if it was the fist time she'd made this blunder, I'd have probably cut her some slack. But it's not. I've seen her repeat this same nonsense several times now. She's NOT going to be in charge of the Senate and is either delusional or suffering from, I hope, wishful thinking. It's this kind of crap that scares me most about this woman. You see someone with big ideas, I see a potential megalomaniac whose idea of managing people is to purge the ranks of anyone that disagrees with her. Frankly, we've had enough high-handed BS from the White House in the past eight years, so pardon me if I don't want another power-mad VP on the loose.

As for your CNN quote, I'm sure that if I trolled the depths of Fox News and the rest of the (where the hell's the acronym for NON-MSM I wonder?) conservative news, I'd find plenty of Obama bashing, misquoting and misrepresentation.

That's not what my post was about. It's about the person running for Vice President of the United States being unaware of what the office she's running for really does. Period.

I'll get back to your other comments later… so many comments, so little time. *sigh*
Anonymous said…
Nope. You wouldn't. I invite you to try.

Pew research released a study yesterday that showed the media bias: 2:1 favorable to unfavorable stories on Obama. 3:1 Unfavorable to favorable on McCain. Nice.

Also, CNN has refused to correct or retract that false quote.

As far as your assumption about Biden...that's fair. But, here's the rub: if Palin had made that mistake it would be a page 1 story for 3 days. She's an idiot, she doesn't know what's what, etc. He makes the flub - nothing.

BTW, while the technical Article 2 job of the VP is to break votes it has become very much a part of the VP's job to lobby the senate on behalf of the President. That may not be 'running the senate', but it's certainly 'shaping' it.
Cyfiere said…
Talk about cherry picking! From that leftist-rag the LA Times (,0,2992953.story): "Although the authors acknowledged some observers would use the findings to argue that the major media have a pro-Obama bias, they said their data did not provide conclusive answers. They noted that coverage of Republicans and Democrats in this and other recent presidential elections seemed to have more to do with their success than with their party affiliation."

Come on, you're trying to tell me Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and the rest of the gang over at Fox are playing nice while that mean old MSNBC picks on poor old John McCain and America's Sweetheart Sarah Palin? Now who's blowing smoke.

Back to Article 2 — GRANTED. And if you want to make the case that the VP could or should do more to support the President and his/her administration (and, by extension, one hopes, the country), then by all means, make the case for it. Just don't dress it up in the Constitution and expect us all to salute it.
Anonymous said…
Mostly, I'm just annoyed that the press has become PART of the campaign - whichever side. They are no longer communicators of objective truth on the outside. It's all terribly skewed.
Cyfiere said…
Now THAT we can agree on!