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Reaping what she sows?

See, look at me getting all biblical (sort of) here.

I've spent most of the last week or two watching, with a mixture of horror and amusement, as Sarah Palin showed off her ignorance of things inconsequential (Achilles' Heel, anyone? Buehller?) to critical (you know, that pesky Constitution)*.

But late last week I started seeing videos of Palin's appearances and the crowds she's drawing. Seems that her 'everyman' approach — playing to the 'common citizen', reaching for the Lowest Common Denominator in American politics, as it were — has succeeded in bringing out the worst of the LCD in the body politic… the fearful, the hateful and the terribly confused. Watching one of these videos gives you the feeling that every narrow-minded, NIMBY jackhole in the country is flocking to Palin because they somehow see her as a reaffirmation of their convictions that Obama is the devil.

What is horrifying here (and has been commented on repeatedly, from both ends of the political spectrum) is that she's doing nothing to dissuade this crap. It's escalated this week when shouts of "kill him" have been heard, still with no response (beyond that fixed stare smile she brings to the fore when the crowd gets rambunctious). It's as if she's convinced that any expression of contempt for her opponent is a win for her side.

*I've got to give props to Biden for responding to Palin's stunning lack of comprehension of the role of the VP where Congress is concerned with the retort that "Vice President Cheney has been the most dangerous vice president we've had probably in American history." And let me observe that Freedom of the Press is NOT a privilege but actually part of the First Amendment to said Constitution. Someone should tell Governor Palin to give it a read sometime.


Anonymous said…
Q here.

Ah, where do I begin with this terrible, terrible post...

First, I will state my bottom line: I think the criticism of Palin and her appeal amongst AMERICANS (I'm not so full of myself to assume anyone who follows her is amongst the LCD), is based on two things: 1, she's a pretty woman with big opinions that are not always politically correct (or are too PC...either way you get my point). And, 2, I think religious intolerance plays a big part of it. Yep, you heard me right. I think a lot of people generalize middle America as the "LCD" and "hicksville" and part of that is that they are somehow unenlightened wacky church going evangelicals. In the words of Jon Stewart, "Fuck all y'all." They are fellow Americans, and believing in your church and faith does not make you unenlightened.

Back to what's wrong with your post...

Yeah, I can dredge up a ton of youtube videos showing nutcases at Obama rallies too. Guess what? Nutjobs go to political rallies, and they LOVE to be on camera. If you get the feeling that the entire mob is made of's because the video WANTS you to get that feeling. They only show and talk to the nutjobs!

Furthermore - regarding the "kill him" shout in the audience. In case you only read the MSM and left wing blogs, you may not know that the Secret Service called Obama out on that one. They said that INDISPUTABLY, this has NEVER happened at ANY Palin rally.

It was an Obama LIE. Another one. And, Newsweek (a bastion of left wing "journalism") just confirmed yesterday that not only was it a lie but that Obama KNEW it was a lie when he used it in the debate. Nice. I'm sure that won't become a story anywhere. Imagine if McCain had tried such a doozy? The MSM would be raping him even now.

As for joltin' Joe Biden...yikes...

He said:

"Vice President Cheney has been the most dangerous vice president we’ve had probably in American history. The idea he doesn’t realize that Article I of the Constitution defines the role of the vice president of the United States, that’s the Executive Branch. He works in the Executive Branch. He should understand that. Everyone should understand that."

Wrong Joe. It's Article 2. Maybe you and Joe should read the Constitution!

And, I agree with her regarding the press. Is it a right? Of course it is, and she references the right as "freedom of the press". But, there is also a privelege and responsibility that is attached to all rights. They are not to be abused, and the 1st amendment is not absolute. History and the Supreme Court repeatedly agree with me on that.

Palin is no achilles heel. McCain's achilles heel is the economy. If Obama wins, it will be a referendum vote against Bush and the Republicans. Palin could very well be running again in 4 years and she will be a force to be reckoned with. She's a straight talker - something I find refreshing and great in a politician.
Cyfiere said…
A "terrible, terrible post". Damn, I didn't even manage that when I was blogging about Palin's unwed pregnant daughter. I must have really outdone myself here.

OK, so let's grant you the "kill him" comment. Remarks about that one disappeared shortly after I started this post, so I'll assume it wasn't true. And yes, nutjobs LOVE to go to political rallies. Hell, half the fun is watching the nutjobs in the crowd.

I never said the entire mob was made up of nutjobs. I said it looked like she's attracted every nutjob (to equate our terms and keep the conversation simple) in the country. One (right-wing nutjobs) is a subset of the other (Palin supporters).

I just keep coming back to the shots of that one, apparently rational woman walking to her car and telling the camera that "he's got the bloodlines (to be a terrorist) just look at the name" and thinking "that nutjob's vote counts as much as mine." Kinda sends a chill up my spine.

As for your Palin opinion, you are, of course, entitled to your reductive estimation of why the left hates her so much. I find the whole notion that we're bothered by her because she's good looking to be somewhere between ludicrous and offensive (depending on what side of the bed I get up on). Liberals hate Palin because she's a good looking woman who can think for herself? Do you realize the absurdity of that argument?

As for the religious angle, you've said as much before, but frankly, I find it rather simplistic. I'm sure there are people that think the way you're interpreting things. It's hard to imagine a generalization about human behavior you could make without being able to find examples of it. But there are many reasons why Democrats/Liberals/feminists/secular humanists/name-your-leftist-faction can dislike her without having to reduce it to "She's religious so she must be bad." Sorry, we're not all that shallow or simple-minded.

BTW, the Achilles' Heel reference came from the debate. No one accused her of being anyone's Achilles' heel… each of them was asked what their Achilles' Heel was:
Joe Biden:
"You're very kind suggesting my only Achilles heel is my lack of discipline. Others talk about my excessive passion."

Sarah Palin:
"My Achilles heel is that my executive experience of a huge energy-producing state counting towards much progress towards getting our nation energy independence. That's very important."

She not only didn't know what the phrase "Achilles heel" means (and don't get anti-elitist here — you don't need to have studied Greek mythology for this one, it's been part of the vernacular for more than 100 years). But she couldn't be bothered to pay enough attention to Biden's reply to glean what Achilles' heel refers to. You can make the argument she's not dumb. That was not a shining example for your argument.

(And, as an aside, and not to be a complete a-hole, but "my executive experience of a huge energy-producing state counting towards much progress towards getting our nation energy independence". Come on… that sentence is barely literate! Yes, at this point I probably am being elitist, but can I help it if I want the sense that the people leading the country can put together a coherent sentence? Fuck, am I tired of the goddamn 'good ole' boy' mentality when it comes to politics.)
Cyfiere said…
You know the really funny/sad thing here? I just remembered this morning that this never started out as a bash-Sarah post. My original intent was to point out the way the lunatic fringe has glommed onto the campaign, and observe that she couldn't have intended that, and probably can't be happy about it.

But then I got sidetracked by those sensationalized reports of death threats, and the recurring shot of her campaign-fixed smile as the crowd behind her jeers and taunts. Sadly one of the side-effects of that 'save as draft' option, I guess. Start a post without finishing it and you run the risk of forgetting what you started out to say. I'll have to watch out for that in the future.
Anonymous said…
"Liberals hate Palin because she's a good looking woman who can think for herself? Do you realize the absurdity of that argument?"


"Democrats/Liberals/feminists/secular humanists/name-your-leftist-faction can dislike her without having to reduce it to "She's religious so she must be bad." Sorry, we're not all that shallow or simple-minded."

They can. Many do. But, many dislike her for just that.

That quote is classic. I don't think she's dumb...I just think she's not ready for prime time and she jammed too much info into a short period then tried to debate on it - always going back to 'talking points'. I think most of her 'dumb' quotes in interviews and the debate are due to panic and lack of confidence. Just because she has the accent does not mean she is a part of the good 'ol boy mentality. I think she can be well spoken and intelligent.
Cyfiere said…
Nope, she may not be dumb at all, and I can totally buy the 'not ready for prime time' argument. But she wields that accent like a scythe, and she's playing to that conservative base that eats it up. And before you slam me for that, she may speak like that every day of her life, but if she's a politician in today's world, the decision to keep that accent for public speaking is an intentional, crafted part of her public personality.

I don't assume that politicians are dumb because they talk that way (though I'm not making any such claims for anyone that votes for them because of it). I just find the notion that "I want a President I feel like I could sit down and have a beer with" facile and counter-intuitive to the job we're asking them to do. (Same goes for a VP, just so we're sure I'm not confused again.)

I don't need a President that I can have a beer with. I want one that can sit across the table from every other world leader and be the smartest, sharpest person in the room. The down-home shtick doesn't preclude them being that smart, but they've gotta prove to me that there's more going on there than a carefully crafted persona to back up the shtick.