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So I'm bit disturbed by the reappearance of post-apocalyptic themes in pop-culture this year. There was a brief, shining moment between the fall of the Berlin wall & collapse of the Soviet Union and today, where all those nuclear nightmares I'd developed after years of gloom and doom SF in the 70's were just bad memories. Now, thanks to global terrorism, the lunacy of N. Korea's "Dear Leader" and an administration that can't even pronounce nuclear, let alone reassure me that they're on top of the issue, it seems those old bad thoughts are making a comeback.

Heroes on NBC has a scattered group of people discovering that they have super-human abilities and will have to work together to avert the disaster that one of them is able to foresee. So far, I'm enjoying the hell out of this one. Interesting characters with cool powers and the overriding mystery of who's going to blow up New York and why… there are enough interesting twists to keep me coming back so far.

But Jericho is the one that has surprised me. This one is true post-apocalyptic fiction, as the bombs are dropping almost before the first commercial break, and everything that follows takes place in the aftermath of the mysterious attack.

There have been several chilling moments so far, as in the opening episode when one of the teens in town listens to the message his mother left on their answering machine, only to hear it cut off as the bomb drops on her. When you find out a short while later that she was in Atlanta, and not Denver, as we've been led to expect, suddenly the picture gets a whole lot more disturbing.

Last week's episode, "Federal Response", was even more disturbing, with the remnants of the government stirring from the ashes and calling everything that the people of Jericho have assumed into question. I got literal chills in the final few minutes, when they reveal the true meaning of the episode's title and we realize the extent of Federal Response in a post-apocalyptic US.

I honestly didn't think I'd stick around for this one. The themes are ones I'd rather dabble in than subject myself to as a weekly diet of "what do we do now that the world is gone?" But they've mimicked that Lost dynamic, with the central mystery of who blew up their world, and characters with dark, potentially dangerous pasts and made this story much more interesting than I expected.

This week's episode was less about chills and more simply telling the story. I felt a bit of a disconnect as they jumped the timeline up a couple of weeks (we've been following the story in incremental moments and, several episodes in prior to this week, less than a week had passed — to jump ahead two weeks was kind of jarring from a storytelling perspective). But I'm sticking around for this one, just to see where they're going to go with it. I have a feeling there are some dark and interesting moments coming up.


Anonymous said…
It's not a bad show. Unfortunately, time restraints have had me falling behind on the Tivo'd episodes. I've only seen the first two. And, judging by ratings, this one won't make it past 13. We'll have to see.

The only show I WILL NOT MISS is Battlestar Galactica. I'll give you another heads up on this one. It is, simply, the best show on TV. It belongs on HBO. It deserves accolades. It is great stuff - intelligent, emotional, well made. Start with the season 1 DVD's on Netflix and catch up.
Cyfiere said…
all right... I'm adding it to my Netflix today. Damn... I'm gonna get sucked into this one, I know it.
Anonymous said…
It's a TV show...getting sucked in ISN'T a bad thing.

I have failed to suck you into World of Warcraft. Take that as your victory. To quote Cartman, "Go out and buy World of Warcraft and join the online sensation, or we'll all have to murder you."
Cyfiere said…
TRUST me, the only reason you haven't sucked me into WOW is that I'm trying REALLY hard to maintain a life that isn't all about one game world. I know exactly what'll happen if I even try Warcraft.

My Name is Lou, and I am a World of Warcraft Addict. I can see it now.
Anonymous said…
How do you people have time for these shows? I know you are busier that I am and I don't have time.

I am watching Battlestar Galactica. Season 1. It's ok so far. I'm about to be depressed with the accident killing 13 pilots. I just don't want all the mystery of who is good guy and who is bad. Boring.

Does anyone watch LOST anymore?

Cyfiere said…
I hear this season sucks. We got lost (pun intended) early on last year, so we just waited for the DVD set and plan to get around to watching it sometime soon. So for now, I'm about a season behind (though possibly a season ahead in quality, you know?).