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Bill Maher does it again

Isn't it reassuring to know that there are jackholes out there just looking for some celebrity to make "the wrong remark" so they can jump on it in righteous indignation? Isn't it even more reassuring to know that one of those jackholes is helping to run the country?

Congressman Slams Maher Over Army Remark
A congressman says comedian Bill Maher's comment… is possibly treasonous….

Once again, we've got someone who SHOULD know better whipping out the "treason" word because he doesn't like Bill Maher's sense of humor. I don't know what dictionary Rep. Bachus is using (he pulls this definition out of who knows where: "In treason, one definition is to undermine the effort or national security of our country.") but Webster's defines treason as "the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance…." I'm kinda thinking that, even if you take the OTHER definition from Webster's ("a betrayal of trust"), Maher's comments hardly qualify.

More to the point, as an elected representative of the United States, and one who's job it is to supposedly defend the Constitution of the United States, one would think that the Representative would be a little more reticent when it comes to throwing out terms like "treasonous". Oh, but I forget that it's okay to slam celebrities for having an opinion these days. Okay, hell, apparently it's damn near patriotic.

I do like Maher's response to his comments, though.


Anonymous said…
Maher's response ruled. I think he is one of the smarter opinions out there...even when I disagree. I miss his show when it is on hiatus.

Cyfiere said…
I agree, Maher's opinions are always smart and interesting. As for his HBO show, I got so infuriated by the guests he had on it the one time I watched that I've never gone back (I don't need THAT kind of frustration on a regular basis).