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Ok, we've been pretty freaking busy moving this month so there's really been no time to post, but I saw this in my email this morning from The Word Spy and really HAD to say something…

n. A pet treated as though it were one's child. Also: fur-kid, fur kid.

Example Citation:
My name is Brenda Mejia and I'm owned by two Australian cattle dogs. I don't have kids, so I call my dogs my 'furkids.' They keep me as busy as a soccer mom.
—Brenda Mejia, "Pet stories," The Desert Sun (Palm Springs, CA), April 30, 2004

All I have to say is that if ANYONE ever catches me referring to our cats as "furkids" you have my express permission to smack me in the face and tell me to snap out of it.

"Furkids". Give me a break.
