So a pair of Congressmen (Bob Ney of Utah & Walter Jones of N. Carolina), in a display of solidarity (I presume) with the President decide to ban the word "French" from the menus in the House. No more French Fries, now they're Freedom Fries!
That'll show those pesky French a thing or two, won't it? Teach them to disagree with our President. (So, let me get this straight--these two clowns have nothing better to do up on Capitol Hill right now than to further perpetuate the image of the ugly American by this ridiculously petty gesture? Good to know who's running things these days, huh?)
My favorite part of the New York Times article is this:
"There is, apparently, some historical precedent for the switch... during World War I, anti-German sentiment prompted Americans to begin calling sauerkraut liberty cabbage and frankfurters hot dogs."
As if this is somthing to be proud of! Just a couple of thoughts here... a) this is hardly a shining example of American ingenuity at work and b) we were actually at war with the Germans at this point. Might be a little more justification for, I don't know, bad feelings than the fact that the French disagree with American plans for a war. (I'm pretty sure that, being a soveriegn nation and all that, they're perfectly within their rights to have an opinion on the matter.)
Grow up, boys. Find something better to do with your time. I'm sure that, being members of the House of Representatives, you might be able to find a better way to pass your time.
That'll show those pesky French a thing or two, won't it? Teach them to disagree with our President. (So, let me get this straight--these two clowns have nothing better to do up on Capitol Hill right now than to further perpetuate the image of the ugly American by this ridiculously petty gesture? Good to know who's running things these days, huh?)
My favorite part of the New York Times article is this:
"There is, apparently, some historical precedent for the switch... during World War I, anti-German sentiment prompted Americans to begin calling sauerkraut liberty cabbage and frankfurters hot dogs."
As if this is somthing to be proud of! Just a couple of thoughts here... a) this is hardly a shining example of American ingenuity at work and b) we were actually at war with the Germans at this point. Might be a little more justification for, I don't know, bad feelings than the fact that the French disagree with American plans for a war. (I'm pretty sure that, being a soveriegn nation and all that, they're perfectly within their rights to have an opinion on the matter.)
Grow up, boys. Find something better to do with your time. I'm sure that, being members of the House of Representatives, you might be able to find a better way to pass your time.