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It's not that you're not FUNNY, Anne…

…It's that you're so fucking juvenile.

I can't stand Anne Coulter. I find her brand of commentary insulting, derogatory, hateful and juvenile. But then, I'm a West Coast liberal, so I'm not exactly her target demographic. But the question is, who the hell IS her demographic?

Every few months, Coulter spits out another one of her childish remarks with the obvious intent that it get her more attention and maybe sell a few more of her fucking books. Her latest came last week, when she ran with this little gem:
"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,' so I… can't really talk about Edwards."
She later defended this juvenile exhibit by saying she was "just joking". Seriously. How the hell old is this woman? This is the kind of crap most of us outgrow before we graduate high school. Name calling? "I was just joking"?

We get the "joke", Anne. Isaiah Washington said he was going into rehab for calling one of his cast mate a faggot. (For the record, this West Coast, Hollywood-friendly liberal found this to be as much a pathetic, transparent ploy to save face as the rest of the world surely must have). The problem isn't that we don't get the joke. It's just that the joke's not funny to anyone over the age of 13. You're playing to an audience that not only can't vote, they can't go to an "R" rated movie without their parents!

I hope some day she wakes to find that no one gives a fuck what the hell she has to say; that all the childish insults she misconstrues as cutting edge, funny or witty fall on deaf ears. I can think of no more fitting fate for this shrew. (And, if you want to consider that name calling, feel free. I'll fall back on the defense that my name calling at least has Shakespearean antecedents, so immediately elevates it above Anne's.)


Anonymous said…
"But the question is, who the hell IS her demographic?"

The media. And, they ate it up again. Even you are commenting. People like this don't "go away". You actually have to quit caring/talking about them. Even then, they don't "go away" just find you're not listening any more.

Cyfiere said…
Sadly, I realized I am contributing to the problem even as I published. Oh well. Like I said, one of these days, hopefully, people will just stop paying attention to her BS. Maybe I can lead the charge. ; >