Backed into a metaphorical corner, I would be forced to acknowledge that Bush can't possibly be as dumb as he appears. It's not even worth joking about anymore, as the jokes have been beaten to death and, frankly, his Presidency is nothing to laugh at, no matter what you think of his intellect. Certainly he's not well spoken, but this doesn't necessarily mean he's dumb. Right?
Perhaps. But this quote really speaks to me…
Perhaps. But this quote really speaks to me…
Of course, the mastery of language is not the sine qua non of competence in literacy. But ease in communication in the language shows how one's cognitive abilities have developed.By that standard, the charge of "dumb" can be set aside. But a far more serious accusation comes to the fore, as we wonder if, based on his flummoxing of the English language, there are any cognitive abilities at work at all.
Kenendy Buhere; Proposal to Split TSC Ill-thought; The Kenya Times (Nairobi); Jan 19, 2007. (from AWAD email for today.)
I'd say his handling of Iraq has proven the point.