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Seriously pretentious

Went to the movies yesterday (Ghost Rider, if you must know. Much as with the writer/director's previous film, Daredevil, it was pretty unimpressive.) But I had to laugh during the "pre-show entertainment" (Seriously, who the hell do they think they're fooling with that crap? It's 20 minutes of advertisements, I don't care how you dress it up.)

Anyway, there was a spot that starts off in the 60's with the family looking over at the TV to watch a rocket launching and the family mouthing "wow!", then it segued to other "wow" moments, including one of a woman watching the fall of the Berlin wall, followed by, presumably her husband, coming into the apartment with a piece of that wall. There were other historical "wows", as well as some more nature type moments (a guy sees a dear on the street as he's jogging, etc.). But those two moments are the ones I remember, because they're such BIG moments, historically speaking.

That's because the commercial resolves to someone on a laptop, using Microsoft Vista, and saying "wow!". Now, I'm as excited as the next geek over the launch of a new operating system… which is to say, I'll upgrade when I get around to it, and look forward to some of the new aspects of the OS. But I'm thinking that in that whole historical context, despite Microsoft's "The WOW is here" campaign, the fall of the Berlin wall and the first man in space probably trump Windows Vista.

Maybe that's just me.


Anonymous said…

I'll buy it in 18 months. I doubt I'll say "wow".

Man, GR was a major disappointment.
Cyfiere said…
Yeah… I didn't have high expectations for it to begin with, and I was still unimpressed.

It nails one of my pet peeves, in that there were moments in the movie that seemed to exist only because they look cool. Especially that very cool scene of the two Ghost Riders on the plain… followed by the old GR's precipitous and unexplained exit from the film.

There was a LOT of eye candy, but not a lot of substance to back it up. (And I'm not talking about "substance" in terms of depth or emotional impact… merely competent, coherent storytelling.)
Anonymous said…
That was my favorite lame/wasted moment in the film.

We get the "last ride" across the desert....and, he leaves? He's stayed alive for an eternity for the one final ride...and, it's just a ride??!! He doesn't help in the fight? WTF?
Cyfiere said…
Thank YOU! My question exactly!