Ok, so I just heard this word on tonight's episode of Bones. According to Urban Dictionary, it's been around since at least 2004, but tonight was the first I'd heard it.
For anyone that's ever been caught in one, this is a perfect word to describe the event. Click on the wrong link/banner/search result and suddenly your computer is deluged with cascading windows of the pornographic kind.
I haven't been caught in a pornado in a long time, it seems. Nor sure if that's because browsers have gotten better at combating this one, or the porn sites have moved to different tactics, or maybe I'm just not browsing in questionable turf these days. Whatever the case, this truly captures the experience.
For anyone that's ever been caught in one, this is a perfect word to describe the event. Click on the wrong link/banner/search result and suddenly your computer is deluged with cascading windows of the pornographic kind.
I haven't been caught in a pornado in a long time, it seems. Nor sure if that's because browsers have gotten better at combating this one, or the porn sites have moved to different tactics, or maybe I'm just not browsing in questionable turf these days. Whatever the case, this truly captures the experience.