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Insidious. But you've got to hand it to 'em.

As you've probably heard, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued an exhaustive report Friday on greenhouse gasses and global warming…

Report: Humans 'very likely' cause global warming -

The gist of the report is that global warming is real, there's no doubt, and we'd better get ready for it.

Surprisingly (especially in light of these revelations), the White House not only acknowledged the report, but even went so far as to acknowledge the results… that global warming does indeed exist.

Of course, part of the reason they accepted this report and its conclusions, while they've ignored so may other reports over the past six years, probably has more than a little to do with the ultimate conclusion the IPCC reached… global warming is real, but it's too late for us to do anyting to change anything. All we can do is prepare to weather the worst of it.

That's right, the President can now acknowledge that global warming is real since he can argue that he's been doing "the right thing" about it all along.

I really don't have much time, nor patience, for religion these days. (Four years of Catholic High School can do that to you sometimes. Or maybe it was the 1st grade semester at St. Caterine's Military Academy.) But seriously, if there is a Hell, then there really ought to be a special place reserved for these motherfuckers.


Anonymous said…
This report makes me as sick as Bush and his cronies make you (us?).

It is so much political BS.

Has anyone in the last 10 years disputed that the globe has warmed 1 degree F in the last 100 years? No. There's a lot of dancing, but no.

The ONLY debate is why it is happening. I, for one, still contend that it is unlikely WE are the cause. Gore's movie is full of contradictions and fails to impress me. This report fails to move me. There are enough lies on both sides that it is not even a question of ecology anymore. It's become a ridiculous war of political propaganda.

There have been 2 ice ages and multiple warming trends in the Earth's history. Long before we used cars and burned carbon. Shit happens in cycles. The Earth is going through one. We can't do anything about it because we really aren't doing anything to it.

Cyfiere said…
You're right... it could be climate change. Dani's quoted Scientific American to me in referring to this era as an "inter-glacial' period, which implies to me that this weather cycle may be outside the norm and that ice ages could be closer to Earth's normal climate. For all we know, we could be Hoth.

But I think it's naive to assume that the past century's worth of dumping hydrocarbons and other pollutants into our air, earth and water are having no effect on that climate. That cutting down thousands (millions?) of acres of South American rainforest are having no effect on that climate. That billions of people eating, breathing, shitting and dying are having no effect on that climate.

Be that as it may, I'm as disgusted as you by the politics of this. The fact that this discussion has been hijacked by the kind of red state/blue state paranoia that's run rampant in this country for at least the last six years is contemptible.

The simple fact is that, if the doomsayers are right, we're all gonna die. Republican and democrat, liberal and neo-con alike. Blamestorming is a waste of time. I'm frankly not interested in "who's to blame". The only constructive use of that wasted time is figuring out to what extent all these conflicting reports are accurate and finding ways to either fix the problem (unlikely as that may seem) or figure out how we're going to weather that change. Sticking your head in the sand and saying "nope, nope, nope, not gonna happen" or refusing to accept any evidence that doesn't support your own pet peeves and prejudices shouldn't be a fucking option. Especially for the goddamn president.
Anonymous said…
Until faced with some sort of 'problem' we can put a finger to, I doubt we'll deal with it.

Sure...we can figure that a century of cows farting (seriously...I read it is a problem), us polluting, and trees being cut down all factors in to the great equation. But, that is a product of population. We could cut down by 10 or 15 maybe even 20%. And, what would that do? As soon as there are 20% more people, it's all nullified, right? I think we act inherently responsible and I'm all for trying to increase our responsibility. But, none of what is happening is grounds for the massive hysteria we see in politics and the media.

It is NOT the end of the world. Not by a long shot. So, Gore needs to shut up.

BTW, his movie claims the glacial caps are gone in the equator. I have a friend who was just on top of Kilimanjaro and took pictures. Massive glacial cap. MASSIVE.