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Most Loneliest Day?!?

I am NOT a huge System of a Down fan. Which is really something of an understatement, since I used to fall over myself trying to get to the radio fast enough to change the station when their first single was in heavy rotation on KROQ.

So it's not terribly surprising that I'm not particularly taken by their latest work. But when the chorus for "Lonely Day" comes blasting at me with "…the most loneliest day of my life…" I'm whipped right back to "QUICK! CHANGE THE STATION!" mode.

I realize how tragically un-hip this makes me sound (and how tragically un-hip "tragically un-hip" sounds, as well as how much I've overused both "tragically" and "hip/un-hip" in the past few days) but seriously… "the most loneliest day"? I notice that the song isn't called "Most Loneliest Day" or even "Loneliest Day".

Makes my ears bleed, just hearing it.
(*sigh* Yes, more hyperbole. Get over it.)


Anonymous said…
I'll assume the 'hyperbole' comment is for me! LOL!!

I haven't heard the song yet...however, I think SoaD is really talented and like most of their stuff. They are from Orange County!

Cyfiere said…
Yeah, you got the hyperbole comment right.

As for System... just too metal for my tastes. And really, the "they're from OC" comment just begs a "that explains the bad grammar" response. ; )
Anonymous said…
You OC people!