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I've been hearing the buzz for months on Jarhead, with every movie preview and feature story on the movie pounding the Oscar buzz drumbeat. I'm not a big fan of military/war themed films, so my reaction so far has been a resounding "yeah, whatever."

Then I saw the teaser trailer for the movie a couple of weeks ago. I've been complaining for a while now about bad movie trailers (my pet peeve: the "tell the whole story" trailer that leaves me wondering why I should bother seeing the movie. In most cases, I find I shouldn't.)

But this one does it all right… just enough story to establish setting, striking visuals, and a hip-hop background track that drives the whole thing. I honestly found myself wanting to see this film, simply because of that trailer.

If the movie's half as good as the trailer (and, judging by the reviews, that's sounds about right) it just might be worth checking out.


Anonymous said…
I thought it sucked. Call me crazy.

The trailer for MUNICH is also very nice. Let's hope Spielberg hits it and doesn't cave to one of his typical endings.

Cyfiere said…
It's funny, I read that the main reason it took so long to get a sequel to Zorro out is because of the cozy family ending that Spielberg tacked onto the first film when the original ending didn't test well. (It ended with the scene of the rescued workers walking away from the mine explosion.) They were stuck with "where do you go from here". Judging by reviews and performance, it doesn't look like they solved the problem.

I wouldn't hope for much this time.