A couple of years ago, I took a class in "storytelling". We spent a lot of time with Scott Adams Understanding Comics, discussing the elements of comics and how they apply to storytelling, especially as it relates to online and other media. Chief among the concepts we discussed was that of comics as "sequential art"… images in juxtaposition that gain meaning due to that juxtaposition. Since the frames in a comic are static, the "action" in the comic takes place between the frames (the action in frame A leads to the action in frame B leads to the action in frame C, etc.) So there's a connection implied between juxtaposed images.
Imagine my surprise on seeing the front page of today's LA Times. Above the scorched earth image of the latest So Cal wildfire, we have the announcement that John Roberts has been confirmed as the new Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court.

Sure, the picture actually goes with the "Fire still out of control" article underneath. But those of us unsure of our new Chief Justice and concerned about his attitudes toward our personal freedoms in coming years can appreciate the juxtaposition of that headline with this photo.
Imagine my surprise on seeing the front page of today's LA Times. Above the scorched earth image of the latest So Cal wildfire, we have the announcement that John Roberts has been confirmed as the new Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court.

Sure, the picture actually goes with the "Fire still out of control" article underneath. But those of us unsure of our new Chief Justice and concerned about his attitudes toward our personal freedoms in coming years can appreciate the juxtaposition of that headline with this photo.