This article was on the front page of the LA Times this weekend. Apparently, creationists are out to "take back the dinosaurs" with the argument that "the fossil record does not support evolution." Yeah, right.
I've always known that fundamentalists see the Bible as literal truth (it's the bumper sticker "God said it, I believe it, that settles it" mentality at work), but I've never really thought it through to the point that I realized that would include all the fun and fantastic stuff in the book of Genesis. According to these guys, baby dinosaurs huddled in the ark while their big brothers and sisters were wiped out in the flood, so all those stories of knights battling fire breathing dragons are based on literal truth. Oh, god, my head hurts just typing that one. (For a real eyeful on the arguments for a creationist view of "the origin of the species", check our this disturbingly fascinating site.)
It's somewhat reassuring as you read through the article, to see that there are those who are religious and still able to reconcile their beliefs and science. (Yeah, that means I like the "Intelligent Design" crowd better than the "Bible as Science" crowd.)
But for those who can't reconcile the two, "Dinny the Dinosaur" and all his little friends at the Cabazon Dinosaurs roadside stop near Palm Springs are being dragged into the battle over "science vs. God". The new owners have their "fossil record" comment stamped on the bottom of the toy dinosaurs they're selling, and T-shirts with the phrase "By Design and Not By Chance" in all the kiddie sizes. Looks like it's a battle for the hearts and minds of the youth of the country and toy dinosaurs are the ammunition.
All I've got to say is, if your defense of your position is reliance on fairy tales like Noah's Ark, you've got your work cut out for you. At least for those of us willing to do a little thinking for ourselves.
This article was on the front page of the LA Times this weekend. Apparently, creationists are out to "take back the dinosaurs" with the argument that "the fossil record does not support evolution." Yeah, right.
I've always known that fundamentalists see the Bible as literal truth (it's the bumper sticker "God said it, I believe it, that settles it" mentality at work), but I've never really thought it through to the point that I realized that would include all the fun and fantastic stuff in the book of Genesis. According to these guys, baby dinosaurs huddled in the ark while their big brothers and sisters were wiped out in the flood, so all those stories of knights battling fire breathing dragons are based on literal truth. Oh, god, my head hurts just typing that one. (For a real eyeful on the arguments for a creationist view of "the origin of the species", check our this disturbingly fascinating site.)
It's somewhat reassuring as you read through the article, to see that there are those who are religious and still able to reconcile their beliefs and science. (Yeah, that means I like the "Intelligent Design" crowd better than the "Bible as Science" crowd.)
But for those who can't reconcile the two, "Dinny the Dinosaur" and all his little friends at the Cabazon Dinosaurs roadside stop near Palm Springs are being dragged into the battle over "science vs. God". The new owners have their "fossil record" comment stamped on the bottom of the toy dinosaurs they're selling, and T-shirts with the phrase "By Design and Not By Chance" in all the kiddie sizes. Looks like it's a battle for the hearts and minds of the youth of the country and toy dinosaurs are the ammunition.
All I've got to say is, if your defense of your position is reliance on fairy tales like Noah's Ark, you've got your work cut out for you. At least for those of us willing to do a little thinking for ourselves.
You have the unique position of being a pragmatist/realist AND an aficionado of fantasy literature. So, when people are deluded enough to attempt to reconcile religion/dinosaurs/dragons it strikes your funny bone immediately.
Mine too. To quote Bugs Bunny, "What a bunch o' maroons."
BTW, intelligent design is an interesting, albeit general, theory. It has been referenced a lot lately - incorrectly for the most part. But, give it a look. All it says is that there must be a higher intelligence at work because of the actual architectural principles at work within the building blocks of life. It's a great chicken or the egg proposition.