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Showing posts from July, 2005

Goodbye Norman.

My cat died last night. (If "good riddance" was the first thought that crossed your mind on those words, kindly go away now *.) It wasn't a surprise… he was ancient (we speculate he was somewhere around 20 years old) and things were starting to fail. He'd been having problems walking for years now, but he was still managing to get around pretty well up until about a month ago or so. He's been on several different drugs for quite a while and he's simply been getting more frail every day. He'd been to the vet several times in the past few months, and each time I expected him to not come back. The last time we took him in, the doctor even recommended that it might be time to put him to sleep. There was nothing more they could do for him, and it was time to consider his quality of life… he was confined to a small area where he would be safe, with papers lining the floor since he couldn't use a litter box (not that he had much use for it anymore anyway). An...

Turd Blossom?!?

My first reaction to the news that certain papers were dropping or editing Doonesbury this week due to "toilet humor" was, 'MY GOD, in 2005 people are getting upset over the use of the word "turd"? Seriously?' Then I saw this story . So the president's nickname for Karl Rove really IS Turd Blossom and Truedeau wasn't making it up? That's spectacular. That just conjures so many… olfactory images. I do have to give points to this week's featured moron, the Executive Editor of the Providence R.I. Journal who opines (in the original article), "I didn't think [taking out the word] hurt it." Sure, stripping the word "turd" out of the "turd blossom" punchline doesn't change things much: "Hey, ____ Blossom! Get IN here!" Sounds the same to me.  

Sound and Fury

Life… is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. William Shakespeare , "Macbeth", Act 5 scene 5 Between all the hubbub over what Karl Rove knew or didn't know and whether or not he broke any laws and now all the noise about GTA San Andreas and the now-infamous Hot Coffee mod, it feels like truer words have never been spoken. The activists and foam-at-the-mouth types are screaming over porn being fed to their kids, Congress is vowing to investigate and pushing for more legislation, and Rockstar and Take Two are playing dumb (and I don't mean that in the "silent" sense). Here's the thing… Rockstar and Take Two probably deserve to get slapped around for playing dumb when the Hot Coffee mod was first revealed and trying to say "it was all some modder's fault". What, they didn't expect anyone to be able to check the PS2 disks and find it there? Morons. Now, it's possible that the Suits at Rockstar and Tak...

WOW, what a team

So the "Ed Wood of the 21st century", über game movie director Uwe Boll is at it again… this time with the new Dungeon Siege movie . Sure, it's got a pretty good cast, especially when you consider who's directing it. But after the miserable reviews and performance of his last two films ( Alone in the Dark and House of the Dead ) all I want to know is who keeps selling him the rights to these properties?!? But hey, he's found a solution to his problems this time. In this article on GameSpot , it's revealed that he's learned his lesson: "Boll told GameSpot in February that he understands the importance of a great script and that he wanted this film to have 'great characters in a Braveheart meets Conan meets Lord of the Rings story.'" That's why he picked the guy that wrote Van Helsing to write the Dungeon Siege screenplay. Yeah. That's gonna help. Well, at least there's the Far Cry movie to look forward to… oh, wait a minut...

Gassin' up

It cost me $32.50 to fill the tank on my Mustang today at nearly $2.50 a gallon… the most I've ever spent for gas and yet, the cheapest price I was able to find today. Allegations that we invaded Iraq for "cheap oil" would appear to be unfounded. Allegations of "corporate greed" and "global imperialism" would likely still be up for debate, however.

Ah, vacation… again.

Once more, vacation comes around and, for one whole week, I was blissfully able to ignore all the fun stuff happening in the news! Now that I'm back, I feel no real need at this point to weigh in on our potentially treasonous presidential kingmaker and first adviser, the almost certain-to-be-ugly battle over the next Supreme Court justice, nor any discussions about the war in Iraq or terrorism in general. As for the knee-jerk lunatic fringe, all I've got to say to the PTC and their "The Shield is bad for kids!" campaign is NO SHIT! It's not meant for your kids. Once again, take some personal responsibility, change the channel and leave the rest of us alone. And, for those all worked up over the next Harry Potter book… it's fiction, people, and NO ONE'S learning real magic by reading Harry Potter. Get over yourselves, grow up and find a REAL reason to complain about the books. Perhaps if you actually read one, you might be able to do that. More likely, you...