My cat died last night. (If "good riddance" was the first thought that crossed your mind on those words, kindly go away now *.) It wasn't a surprise… he was ancient (we speculate he was somewhere around 20 years old) and things were starting to fail. He'd been having problems walking for years now, but he was still managing to get around pretty well up until about a month ago or so. He's been on several different drugs for quite a while and he's simply been getting more frail every day. He'd been to the vet several times in the past few months, and each time I expected him to not come back. The last time we took him in, the doctor even recommended that it might be time to put him to sleep. There was nothing more they could do for him, and it was time to consider his quality of life… he was confined to a small area where he would be safe, with papers lining the floor since he couldn't use a litter box (not that he had much use for it anymore anyway). An...
in my NOT so humble opinion
My rants, raves, comments and criticism—movies, games, politics or the weather. Whatever strikes me at the time.