The Parent's Television Council is at it again. (And no, I'm not going to link to them. I'm not doing anything to push their traffic or Google ranking up. If you can stomach their site, you'll have to Google 'em yourself). This time it's Carl's Jr. and the Paris Hilton ad campaign . They're upset because the ad is too racy for kids and are calling for a boycott of Carl's Jr. Let's face it… obviously the ads aren't meant for kids. They're meant for the "18-49 year old males" demographic advertisers are lusting after and if your kids are watching the shows where this ad is probably running, maybe you should be paying more attention to their television habits. (Also, keep in mind that your younger kids aren't going to "get" what's going on here, and that the teenagers have already seen much worse on the Internet.) Or, better yet, if you're REALLY upset with what's on TV, turn the damn thing off and sit dow...
in my NOT so humble opinion
My rants, raves, comments and criticism—movies, games, politics or the weather. Whatever strikes me at the time.