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Showing posts from April, 2005

Yeah, it IS all his fault

So I said I might forgive Robert Rodriguez for all the Spy Kids movies he's inflicted us after seeing Sin City. And I'm inclined to, since I really liked Sin City. But then I read the sidebar on "The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl in 3-D" in Entertainment Weekly's Summer Movie Preview issue. Allow me to share this brief excerpt: ROBERT One day, I was asking the kids what they dreamed about the previous night. [To Racer] What did you say? RACER Milk. ROBERT So there's a scene where they go to the Land of Milk and Cookies. Then I thought they should go to a cool planet. I had just introduced him to drooling — like, when you like something, you drool? So we thought — RACER Planet Drool. Disgust at the thought that they're paying him a lot of money for ideas like this was followed quickly by depression at the thought of all the story ideas I've got sitting on my computer that I've never done anything with, because I'm "too busy,...

George does it again

At this last weekend's Celebration III Star Wars convention, George Lucas announced plans for two new TV series, based on Star Wars. The first would be a 3-D animated series, called Clone Wars. (The animated shorts on Cartoon Network are apparently a related but separate series.) The other is a live action series, based on events happening between Episode III and IV (so the fall of the Jedi to the introduction of Luke Skywalker). Fanboys (and girls) everywhere are ecstatic at the idea of new Star Wars and an examination of this timeline, right? WELL, maybe not quite ALL of them… Penny Arcade: Tormented, Science-Fiction Youth

It's an adversarial thing

I was out driving on Saturday and came to the realization that I have an adversarial relationship with traffic. While there are those among my friends who would argue that this should NOT have been a realization, it still caught me somewhat by surprise. I've always assumed that my issues with traffic stem more from the differing levels of stupidity present on So Cal freeways (and my admittedly bad freeway karma ), but now I think it's much more basic than that. Each of the areas I drive in regularly has it's own flavor of stupidity. LA drivers (especially those in the 323) tend toward the aggressive end of the spectrum. They'll kill you (and themselves) to get off the line and ahead of you at the light, only to have to slam on the brakes in order to cut back into the right turn lane 100 yards down the road to cut off the next person in line. Get out of LA itself, and especially into Orange County, and you get more of the cluelessly stupid. They don't know WHY they c...

Another insult bites the dust

I was going to start the previous post with the ever-popular Bugs Bunny insult, "What a maroon," just because it seemed appropriate; or at least amusing. Hoping to find something Bugs related to go along with the quote, I Googled it and found this little tidbit: What a maroon! What an ignoranimous! Apparently, " Maroon ", in the 17th & 18th centuries, was similar to terms like octoroon and quadroon (which identified a person's ancestry based on the amount of European and, more specifically, Black blood in their ancestry) and was used to refer to fugitive Black slaves in the West Indies. (If you need to substitute "African-American" for "Black" in the above to feel comfortable, feel free. Since African-American wasn't a term in use at the time these other words were common, I figured I'd stick with the term used in the definitions I've linked to.) It's obvious to me that the Looney Tunes writers were unlikely to be aware...

What a… moron

Every few weeks in Entertainment Weekly , they go to Paul Dergarabedian of Exhibitor Relations for the idiot quote of the week. This week, in attempting to explain the slump in ticket revenues for the last eight weeks, he came off with this gem: "Maybe audiences are waiting for the big summer movies." A brilliant observation, lacking only one, tiny little quality… any sense of reality whatsoever. (Apparently Paul's job description can be boiled down to PR Flack .) This past weekend, I was looking at the movies listings and just shaking my head in disbelief. I'm used to January and February being a dumping ground for loser movies. Let's face it, the studios have all their Oscar contenders in theatres, riding that post-Christmas movie wave, so why waste the weekends on quality movies. But here it is, almost MAY, and I've gone out to see MAYBE a half dozen new releases since the first of the year. ( Sin City , Robots , Sahara , Elektra , Hitch … and, oh yeah, ho...

I'm boycotting "Mr. and Mrs. Smith"

Heard today on KROQ that the producers of Mr. and Mrs. Smith are so afraid of a backlash (similar to the one that supposedly tanked Proof of Life ) over the rumors that a Brad & Angelina affair is the reason for Brad & Jenn's divorce, that they're editing out the "steamier" sex scenes from the movie. Now, first off, the assumption that Russell Crowe's affair with Meg Ryan was the reason Proof of Life tanked assumes that Proof of Life was worth seeing in the first place. I know Dani will argue with me (judging from her gasped reaction to Crowe's tank-top clad "getting ready to storm the guerrillas" scene) but there was really nothing worth seeing in that film. And secondly… are they NUTS? I'm sorry, but if you're cutting ANY sex scene with Angelina Jolie in it, I'm OUT! (And I'm sure any healthy red-blooded male today will agree with me on that one. I'm also assuming that any healthy, red-blooded female today will be upset...


(or, Why Cats are Better than Dogs) Since I seem to be on a roll with this topic, I figured why not continue… We went to the Pet Expo in Orange County over the weekend. Imagine it… acres and acres of people selling anything you could ever want, wish or need for your pet! (OK, I exaggerate… it was a half-dozen building and a lot of booths, but you get the idea, right?). It's a "pet parents" nirvana! I was in hell. (To be fair, you don't have to fall off the "pet parents" cliff to find good/useful things for your pet here. But it IS a treasure trove for the more obsessive in the animal lover community.) While I was standing there, watching Dani shop for bandanas for the dogs (reversible bandanas, so they don't get bored), I noticed the booth next door providing some kind of "diva dog" collar… a lace and spangles thing that slips over your dog's collar to give her (presumably) the perfect Vegas showgirl glam. A few minutes later, we were stan...

I LOVE puns!

The question is, are we ready for Pope puns? Did you hear they've decided to cremate John Paul II? They plan to package the ashes and offer them to the faithful as … wait for it… Pope-pourri. Yeah, I'm going to hell. For bad humor, if nothing else. (Good rule of thumb: Tragedy + time = humor. Might be pushing the "time" envelope, I think.)

"Furkids" redux

Back in May of last year I posted about the word " furkids ". For those in the know, it's " n. A pet treated as though it were one's child. " I'd read about the word from the Word Spy mailing list and found it amusing. And I blogged, in an admittedly deprecating manner, about the whole concept. (Dani, when I told her about it, mocked me for being condescending. I asked her "what's new?") Meanwhile, a recent Blogger update added an "email me" option for all posts. It's a little graphic link added to the end of each post that allows you to send emails to me so you can express yourself regarding any of my posts. This, in addition to the comments option, leaves lots of ways that people can let me know what they think about what I'm saying. It's occasionally amusing. Here's where this one gets amusing. The address I use for this "email me" option isn't one I check regularly… maybe once a month, if I'...

Maybe it's all Robert Rodriguez' fault

Ok, six weeks down the road and the freaking Pacifier is still in the top 10 and grossed over $100 Million ? Have you SEEN this movie? (What am I saying… if it's still in the top 10 after this long you probably HAVE seen this movie, haven't you?) I have to admit that I have seen this movie (don't ask… I lost a coin-toss between this and the equally poorly reviewed Be Cool on their opening weekend. I still don't know whether that was a good thing or not.) Formulaic, mind-numbingly dumb, terminally "cute" (Vin does a bunny-hop dance, that later saves the day!)… I felt myself losing IQ points watching this thing. Sadly, I think we have to blame Rodriguez. After all, you can easily point to Spy Kids in 2001, it's diminishingly entertaining sequel Spy Kids 2 , and the execrable Spy Kids 3-D as the direct antecedents of this tedious film—the blueprints, as it were, for this iteration of the "kids as secret agent/action hero" genre. But, while I wa...

Taking obsession to WHOLE new levels

Ok, I've always been amused by the Star Wars geeks that line up months in advance of the opening of the movies (especially after the disappointment of the last two films). But this really tops it all… 'Star Wars' fans wait at wrong theater You guys understand, they're TELLING you the movie's not going to be there. But you're going to be stand in line 'just in case'. You almost have to admire that kind of dedication. Almost. (BTW, being a self-acknowledged Star Wars geek, I'm perfectly comfortable throwing that accusation around. Beside, even I'M not geeky enough to consider standing in line a month before the movie opens. At the wrong theatre.)