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Frankly, the news sucks

Apparently teaching about the Constitution, Bill of Rights and concepts such as Freedom of Speech aren't really a priority these days.

First Amendment No Big Deal, Students Say

U.S. students say press freedoms go too far

We're far too concerned that the kids pass those "competency" tests than to make sure they understand the rights and privileges that supposedly make this country so great. Next time you sit there wondering how the hell the people running this country can warn you to watch what you say or how you think in "times like these", you can understand how they get away with it a little better.

Meanwhile, THIS bozo has no problem with free speech:

General Counseled Over 'Fun to Shoot' Talk

I'm actually kind of torn over this one. On the one hand, we've got this clown mouthing off about how fun it is to shoot people and all he gets is "counseled to watch his language in the future". On the other hand… well, it's kind of refreshing to see that no one's trying to "rephrase" the General and his comments into something more PC palatable. Don't get me wrong, I'm still filled with contempt for his attitudes and his "sense of humor". But at least it has the benefit of being… well, honest. A rare thing indeed, these days.
