There've been a LOT of bad videogame-based movies. In fact, one can make the argument that they've all been pretty bad. I mean, even the one's I've enjoyed (the Resident Evil films, for instance) aren't exactly what one would call high art. But lately, one guy seems to have cornered the market on bad when it comes to the videogame movie. I first stumbled across Uwe Boll's name in conjunction with the movie House of the Dead , when I found a trailer to the film on the latest release (at the time) of the videogame franchise. The trailer included there was so spectacularly bad that I immediately rejected any chance that I'd see the movie. Judging from what I heard at the time of it's release (and from its spectacular 4% ranking at Rotten Tomatoes ), I think I made the right choice in avoiding this one. This year we got "treated" to Alone in the Dark , yet another videogame dragged kicking & screaming to the nearest multiplex. This one didn...
in my NOT so humble opinion
My rants, raves, comments and criticism—movies, games, politics or the weather. Whatever strikes me at the time.