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Showing posts from December, 2004

People's Choice Awards?

"Huh?" might be the best reaction here. I've always wondered who the hell votes for the People's Choice awards. Presumably, it's a public thing, but I never knew how the voting was done. I just knew that they were usually abysmal choices, with the most obvious—and ofttimes least deserving—nominees winning. Turns out, according to this story , that up until this year, the awards were run by the Gallup organization. No wonder I've never been in on the voting… I've never been contacted for a Gallup poll on anything. This year, however, Entertainment Weekly has taken over the show (assuring us that the People's Choice will remain firmly ensconced in the safe zone of pop culture, I'm sure). And they've got their list of nominees here . I'm not entirely sure how they determine their categories, nor why there's a category for "Favorite Movie" if there's a category for "Favorite Movie Drama" and "Favorit...

Mark Twain ROCKS!

God, what an inane lead-in. Twain's probably spinning in his grave over this kind of crap. Or not… more likely he'd be cynically unsurprised by it all, judging from his later writings. Well, the reason Twain rocks (notice how it's not nearly as "effective" if you don't put it in 'all caps', like you're shouting it?) is the quote from today's A.W.A.D. email : Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it. —Mark Twain, author and humorist (1835-1910) More Twain here: Because he ROCKS! ;-> (god, then I go and add a smiley! I'm going to have to work on my blogging, if this is what I'm reduced to.)

Spoiler Alert!

Ok, I figured I'd just get that out of the way, right off the bat. If you haven't seen Dodgeball and are interested in watching it and, perhaps more importantly, enjoying the end of it… don't read any more. Can't say I didn't warn you. I'm a sucker for the extras on DVDs… blooper reels, deleted scenes, alternate endings… I love to see what "might have been". So getting all three on the Dodgeball DVD was like hitting paydirt. (You'll also want to check out the featurettes for some great slapstick as well.) But the "alternate ending" option on this one was a little different than most. The director's commentary explains that this is the original ending that they'd shot, that he, Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn thought it was the perfect ending and it was only after test audiences balked at it and the studio demanded changes that they went back and reshot the ending. Usually I side with the director/actor side of things ...

And who didn't see THIS one coming?

Nativity Scene Attacked in London Because, obviously, God teaches us to attack and destroy that which differs from our religious convictions. Funny, I think I missed that in my catechism classes. (This is, of course, a follow-up to " I REALLY thought they were kidding ". So, still not kidding, and now they're getting vandalized for it.)

Tell me again… how is this going to work?

God cut from Dark Materials film "The director and screenwriter of the film adaptation of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials is to remove references to God and the church in the movie." According to Weitz, New Line expressed concern over the topics. Here's the problem… "The books tell of a battle against the church and a fight to overthrow God." So if we take God, and the Church, out of the story for fear we'll offend someone, can someone please tell me WHAT THE HELL IS LEFT!?! This reminds me of Exit to Eden , where someone obviously bought the rights to the book because Anne Rice was a hot property at the time and didn't realize it was a bondage novel. They ended up getting Garry Marshall to direct and turned it into a "wacky" spy comedy. But at least they kept SOME aspects of the sex storyline. For the record, it was still a god-awful movie. (Oops. I said "god"—twice now, AND didn't capitalize it! Someone som...

In the "People are Dumb" category…

High School Teacher Facing Child Porn Charges He was found out when he brought his computer in for repair and the shop found child porn on the computer. Communion Wafer Shuts Down Prison Someone put a communion wafer inside the envelope with their job application—looking for a little divine aid, perhaps? People REALLY don't think, do they?