Last week it was Whoopi Goldberg fired by Slim-Fast for her comments about Bush at a recent political rally. This week Linda Rondstadt gets fired from the Aladdin for calling Michael Moore a patriot and stirring up the locals.
I'd like to thank Bush and the the boys in Washington, Fox News and Bill O'Reilly (who apparently believes the only loyal American is a silent one) for promoting a mindset that accepts and embraces this kind of behavior.
I'd like to thank Bush and the the boys in Washington, Fox News and Bill O'Reilly (who apparently believes the only loyal American is a silent one) for promoting a mindset that accepts and embraces this kind of behavior.
Of course, Fox and O'Reilly promote this "mindset", but they are as entitled to free speech as you or I. If they think something is patriotic or dis-patriotic and they want to proclaim such - let them! Follow your own beliefs!!
As for behavior being implemented by Slim-Fast or the Aladdin...the only "behavior" I see is pure capitalistic desire to make money (and not lose any). Goldberg's assinine exhibition drew thousands of protest letters and rallies from users of Slim-Fast (or at least Slim-Fast believes they were users). So, they fired someone who was hurting their image with the people keeping them in business. Ronstadt mouthed off (her right) and nearly incited a riot! People didn't just boo...they were throwing things and tearing up the theater! So, Aladdin fired her ass. Both actions are totally justified, and if it was your business in jeopardy, you'd dump your political beliefs and follow the money. Or else, you'd be broke. :)
My problem is that I wasn't specific enough in my post. You're right, Slim-Fast is responding to complaints by dropping Whoopi. The best part is now there's a group organizing a boycott because they dropped her. NOW what are they going to do?
As for the Aladdin, I'd buy the idea that they were responding to the fact that her comments caused a near riot, if it weren't for the fact that they didn't just fire her (it was a one-night show, so there wasn't much point) but they wouldn't even let her go back to her room... they basically threw her out on her ear. And, if you read the comment from the President of the Aladdin ("as long as I'm in charge, she won't be back) it sounds a lot more like he's upset about what she said than about what happened. So I'm not buying the argument that it was purely a business decision on the Aladdin's part.
But that's beside the point. Slim-Fast and Aladdin are going to do whatever they think will lose them the least money. That's a given. What bugs the hell out of me is that we've lost the ability (desire? interest?) to let people express an opinion and simply disagree. No, if you say something that I disagree with, I'm going to write a letter to my Congressman (or, better yet, the FCC) because NO ONE ELSE SHOULD HEAR WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY! I'm going to boycott your product and I'm going to urge everyone else to do the same.
Yes, that is, arguably, free speech as well. But I find it contemptible that no one's willing to let the other guy have his say anymore.