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Well, if it worked once…

Why NOT try it again, huh?

Bypassing Senate for 2nd Time, Bush Seats Judge

"As a state official in Alabama, Mr. Pryor, 41, gained prominence as an outspoken opponent of legalized abortion and as an advocate for a greater Christian influence in government."

Do I need to say ANYTHING about this? Twice in five weeks Bush has seated judges opposed by Senate Democrats because of their narrow-minded views on civil rights in this country. He justifies it, saying "Their tactics are inconsistent with the Senate's constitutional responsibility and are hurting our judicial system."

I submit, once again, Mr. President, that it's your tactics that are hurting our judicial system… your insistence on nominating justices that fit your narrow agenda (one that criminalizes abortion and cripples the advances of the civil rights movement in this country) are just as detrimental to a fair and balanced judiciary as all the "left-wing liberals" that you fear on the bench.

I don't know what disgusts me more, a President displaying this kind of contempt for the Constitution, the operation of our government AND the will of the people of this country (who, in every poll I've seen still believe that abortion should remain a legal option for women in this country) or a media that plays along with this President by dodging the hard issues for fear of losing their access to the White House.

And, if you think this is just Bush and his administration pushing their agenda, check out this article from Slate...

"If this conservative senator isn't safe from conservative attacks, is anyone?"

Conservatives are WELL aware that this is a battle for the Courts in this country. If only the rest of the country would wake up to this.
