This isn’t simply “oh, I’m not that interested so I think I’ll skip it”. Oh sure, I’m not that interested in the movie, but that’s not why I’m skipping this one. And it’s not because of the uproar over whether or not the movie’s anti-Semitic. Nope, it’s all about marketing and cynicism…
I don’t have any problem with Gibson making a movie about his beliefs, nor ultimately with his ultra-traditionalist take on Catholicism. It’s problematic to me that he may believe that the Jews deserve blame for the death of Christ, but I’ve already talked about my take on that whole topic, so I’m not going to into that here.
(On KROQ earlier this week, they spoke with a theologian who pointed out that the early Christians—Peter, the rest of the apostles, etc.—were all Jews and that the blame for Christ’s death, if it was to be laid anywhere, was Rome’s. It wasn’t until several centuries later, when the Christians were attempting to convert the Romans that the blame was shifted...
in my NOT so humble opinion
My rants, raves, comments and criticism—movies, games, politics or the weather. Whatever strikes me at the time.