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Unfortunately, I know exactly how I feel about this…

I’ve come to the realization that I’ve been too easy on the President. Now, anyone that’s ready any of this blog or had a discussion with me about dear George W. is shaking their heads right now, wondering what the hell I’m talking about. Let me elaborate…

I’ve already said that I have no respect for the man and I’ve mocked him for his obvious lack of a functional education (I’m sorry, graduating from Yale with a “C” average is neither an accomplishment nor proof that you’ve actually received an education). I’ve dismissed him as not qualified for the job and as a figurehead and puppet for Dick Cheney, Karl Rove and the rest of the neo-con faction of the Republican Party. I’ve even engaged in the childish practice of referring to him by his nickname to show how little I respect him (and rationalized using it since he’s embraced the nickname.) And it’s occurred to me that this lets the man off too easily, because it absolves him of any real responsibility for his actions as President.

A President that has declared an unwinnable war on terror with no set victory conditions and a warning that this is a war that can last generations, and then used this as an excuse to turn the Justice Department against American citizens with no concern for the Constitution or Bill of Rights. A President that has reduced our foreign policy to that of the schoolyard bully who, afraid he’s going to get another surprise punch in the mouth resorts to beating up anyone that looks at him cross-eyed, “just in case”. A President that has turned the biggest surplus in this nation’s history into the biggest deficit in its history, and at the same time given massive tax cuts to the wealthiest citizens of this country, effectively shifting that tax burden onto the shoulders of the middle class. A man who ran decrying the partisan politics in Washington and yet, whose policies so angered middle-of-the-road Republicans that one Senator actually left the party in protest to give control of the Senate to the Democrats (a short-lived victory, unfortunately, thanks to the fervently jingoistic post 9/11 politicking of the Republicans).

And after all that, what’s got me so worked up now? Late this past Friday night (1/16/04, just for the record) while Congress was in recess, the President placed judicial nominee Judge Charles Pickering, Sr. on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit. Judge Pickering has been opposed by the Mississippi NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus, The National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League and a number of other civil rights groups for his miserable record on civil rights, reproductive rights and Constitutional rights. A filibuster has been proceeding against his nomination ever since it was rubber-stamped by the Republican controlled Judiciary Committee and sent to the Senate floor. This is not the first of Bush’s nominees to be so opposed. It will almost certainly not be the last.

So the President decided to forego the entire nominating procedure, to ignore the Senate and it’s role in confirming Justices to this nations courts and simply appoint the man. And he did this on the eve of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday weekend. A holiday commemorating a man that died fighting for these same civil rights that Judge Pickering obviously holds in disdain. By bypassing the Senate, he has told the country that he does not care about our court system, that he does not care about the will of the people or the rule of law and is only concerned with forwarding his own agenda. By doing this on the Friday before this holiday he also sends a very clear message to anyone in this country even remotely concerned with civil, Constitutional, women’s or reproductive rights that he does not care and hopes to cripple, reverse or simply change every advance in these areas made in the past half-century.

(You can read about Judge Pickering here and see for yourself what the President views as a viable candidate to the US Circuit Court of Appeals.)

I no longer care whether he is simply a puppet or figurehead. I don’t care whether this was his idea (assuming he’s capable of such), Dick Cheney’s or anyone else’s in this Administration. I will no longer distinguish between these notions and thereby let the President “off the hook” for his actions. He is the President and should be held responsible and accountable.

I have tried in the past to temper my criticism with respect for the office, if not the man, but I am no longer able to do so. I don’t like getting up on a soapbox like this—I’m much more comfortable with mocking cynicism. But my contempt has finally overwhelmed me. I passionately and fervently detest this man and everything he has come to represent. The fact that he is President of the United States of America shames & disgusts me. I will no longer mock nor dismiss him, but will oppose his policies and actions in every way that it is legal and possible for a citizen of this country to do so.

(I learned about the appointment via an email from People for the American Way. They urge everyone to call the White House and tell the President "that his action today only strengthens your resolve to oppose his court-packing plan". My innate cynicism rejects this as ineffectual, but here are the numbers in case you feel differently. And, if I’m going to oppose him “in every way I can”, this looks like a good place to start.

White House Comments Line: (202) 456-1111
White House Switchboard: (202) 456-1414
TTY/TDD Comments Line: (202) 456-6213)
