I've commented on the "it's not MY fault" nature of the Bush Presidency, but this one takes it.
Last week, David Kay, Bush's top weapons inspector in Iraq, resigned. On Sunday, Kay issued a statement blaming US Intelligence Agencies, stating that it was their consensus on the threat posed by Iraq that led Bush to conclude that an invasion was justified. Then, in a spectacular example of toadying to the President's "don't blame me" policy, went on to say "I actually think the intelligence community owes the president rather than the president owing the American people."
Now, let's ignore for the moment the rampant speculation that's been circulating that Bush & Company knew full well that such weapons were a long shot and that they were simply looking for justification for actions they wanted to take (allegations most recently made in Ron Suskind's The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the Ed...
in my NOT so humble opinion
My rants, raves, comments and criticism—movies, games, politics or the weather. Whatever strikes me at the time.