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It's Like Déjà Vu All Over Again

This holiday season has been déjà vu all over the place for me. 

It started with Last Christmas... For years now I've realized this song is, literally, timeless. I mean, look at these lyrics... 

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day, you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special

One ASSUMES that, last year they thought they WERE giving their heart to someone special... Who gave it away the next day. So what's to stop it from happening to them again THIS year. They literally could be singing this song each year to another person. Timeless, I tell you. (Dani can't unhear this theory now, and now hears the same thing I do each time it plays. She's quite annoyed with me.)

Next up, Matrix Resurrections doubled down on every aspect of déjà vu to give us a new film every bit as enjoyable, and able to drive conversation and speculation as the first one. Is it perfect? Hell no. But it's a hell of a lot of fun and worth checking out just to see how they pull it off. 

And then there's New Years itself. Last year I, and everyone I know, was saying the same basic thing... Have a Happy New Year, it's gotta be better then this year! Well, surprise... 2021 may not have been the dumpster fire of 2020, but it sure as hell isn't a year I'd want to relive. Some things were  slightly better (the pandemic), others so much worse (pretty much ever aspect of our political spectrum, for instance). But it's certainly not a year I want to repeat. And yet, here we are in the new year, hoping 2022 will be better than 2021. Déjà vu? Maybe just hope springs eternal? Or, really, it's just The Last Christmas all over again.

But it's New Year's day and such cynicism (much as it's part of my charm) seems out of place today. So, in the interest of the season (and refusing to refer to 2021 in the process) let's go with the traditional...  

Happy New Year! 
