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Knackered… synchronously

Came home from the gym tonight, looked at Dani and said "I don't know how, or why, but suddenly I completely understand the concept of the word "knackered". (Or words to that effect. I doubt I was anywhere near that articulate, frankly).

Ten minutes later, I open my email to find my "A.Word.A.Day" email word of the day is… "knacker":

This kind of coincidence ALWAYS messes with my head. As I've mentioned once or twice before.


Unknown said…
Yesterday I spent hours talking to my landlord about his daughter's love of the clarinet and I said, "Hm, the only instrument I've ever played was the recorder and that was in the 4th grade." That was the first time since the 4th grade that I had thought about me playing the recorder in that one music class. Today, as a matter of coincidence, I was looking for a birthday gift for a friend on eBay and what is it that you think I ran across? A picture of something I had not thought of, seen, nor heard mentioned since I was in the 4th grade....a recorder.