I don't mean to take anything away from Brave . It's a beautiful film, and a wonderful story. The ending is suitably dramatic and exciting, with a strong emotional impact. It's almost everything one would want from a Pixar film, meeting a standard they've maintained for an astonishing 13 films in a row. Almost. The only thing I can't say for Brave is that it was fun . It's far too serious and straightforward a movie for that. Oh, it tries, with its trio of foolish suitors and a father/king that's prone to reacting first and thinking... well, not often. But these moments amount to little more than the cast of fools and bumpkins that populate Shakespeare's plays... the comic relief included to entertain the groundlings. I know that Pixar's films have always had serious themes running through their main stories. I don't expect their films to be non-stop laugh riots (or I'd have been seriously disappointed long before now.) They're not a...
in my NOT so humble opinion
My rants, raves, comments and criticism—movies, games, politics or the weather. Whatever strikes me at the time.