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Showing posts from April, 2012

Worst. Driving Game. Ever

It's kinda funny. I've been looking forward to playing L.A. Noire since I first read about it a couple of years ago. An open-world game, set in 1940's LA from the company that virtually defined open world gaming in the current gaming generation? I get to PLAY in the world of L.A. Confidential ? I am SO there. So much so, that I'm not dissuaded by the occasional tepid review, especially since most of the trepidation seems to stem from the combat elements of the game… the actual "police work" end of things—interrogating suspects, looking for clues, etc.—seems to work, albeit not at the fastest pace ever. (And let's face it, the review I linked to got an Editor's Choice rating and its MetaCritic score is currently at 83, so it's not like there's that much negative to go on.) But maybe that "minor trepidation" should have been a clue, at least as far as that whole pacing thing is concerned. I finally got around to buying the game re...